Two hemispheres working together,
Every day and throughout our earthly life.
There are new thoughts constantly firing,
Creating more new and intricate wiring.
When thoughts connect thoughts every day,
More power and force come into play.
Every thought that a neuron fires,
Is connected through a chain of wires.
It has been known that where our focus goes,
That is where our creative energies also go.
When new thoughts grow in size and power,
We have a garden in bloom with every flower.
As writers and readers, we are sharing ideas.
Like impulses that we shoot inside our brains.
We share ideas with other writers across the world,
Every idea, story, or poem is like a precious pearl.
When thoughts move like lightning across the skies,
We see the universe revealed before our eyes.
The earth is like a gigantic rotating super-brain.
Thoughts and ideas are like neurons filled with power.
When the world of readers and writers unite as one force,
Humanity can move to a more unified and constructive course.
When thoughts grow every day from a tiny seed,
They can crush negativity and every deadly weed.
There are more writers and readers in the world today.
The numbers have quadrupled over the last decade.
This is the best time for readers and writers to interplay,
Positive ideas that can improve our world every day.
When thoughts move across the consciousness like a sea.
They can create a new world, a new reality to infinity.