The Elephant in the Room Came for Tea

The Elephant in the Room Came for Tea

He brought his brother along for the party

The Elephant in the Room Came for Tea

He brought his brother along for the party

The villagers of the little village,

Lived in comfort at the foot of the hill,

Where the forests were dense

While the waters were never still.

The villagers lived loved, worked, and roam,

Taking a rest when they reached their home.

One night it was on the news,

Where there were photos and views.

Two baby elephants escaped a circus,

So naturally, there was a lot of fuss.

The rangers and the police came and went,

The animals were nowhere to be found,

The hunting dogs could not find a scent.

The young elephants had somehow disappeared,

Into the mountains, and the forest like smoke.

There was no trace to be found of Manu and Tanu,

This was novel and something so new.

As the villagers started talking about the elephants,

Since the little thefts began in the village,

Clotheslines disappeared from t-shirts to pants.

There were footprints left everywhere,

As villagers found crisp packets and noodles disappear.

The Elephant in the Room Came for Tea

He brought his brother along for the party.

Bunches of bananas were taken overnight,

As the villagers awoke with a fright.

Kitchens and toilets in homes were broken,

Walls were smashed like they were putty,

The little elephants were having a party.

Late one night the villagers heard,

The loud trumpeting of the elephants.

They rushed to the windows to see,

That after the rains the river had overflowed,

The water was rising as they moved to higher ground.

The village and its people were saved,

Thanks to Manu and Tanu the baby elephants.

When the rangers and the police came the next day,

The villagers did not let the elephants go,

They had adopted the two young brothers,

And taking care of them from day to night,

It was a pleasing and wonderful sight.

That day two elephants rescued their human family,

Reminding us all that life is about love, peace, and unity.

The Elephant in the Room Came for Tea,

He brought his brother along for the party

Author’s Note: the above piece is based on the news item on the two mischievous elephants that torment a village in Thailand.

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