There is a bright Sun Rising

There is a bright Sun Rising

It is shining on you today

Over there on the horizon,

There is a bright sun rising.

The rays of sunshine so bright,

The joy of lovely natural light.

Walkout from the darkness,

There is no need for candlelight,

Not when the sun shines so bright.

The brightest bulb can never compare,

To the sun shining brightly over there.

All the fears and the anger fade away at dawn

As creation welcomes the birth of a new morn.

Castaway all that anguish and those fears,

A new day is born, there is no time for tears.

Walk on your new path and be happy today,

There is nothing that can stand in your way.

Over there on the horizon,

There is a bright sun rising.

The sun is shining on you and your life today,

Go out, be brave and enjoy it in every positive way.

Yes, that sun shining so brightly is for you,

It is your time to shine, it is so very true.

Go out and sunbathe in the warm sunlight,

It is your time today and always to be in the spotlight.

It is not just for today or tomorrow that you will shine,

The time has come for you to shine for all time.

Keep shining in life till past midnight,

Be the sun when there is no light.

Greet and praise the sun every morn,

It is time for you to shine at the break of dawn.

Castaway all that anguish and those fears,

A new day is born, there is no time for fears.

Walk on your new path and be happy today,

There is nothing that can stand in your way,

Not today, not tomorrow, not on any day.

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The Creative, Literary, and Artistic Universe of Author Warren Brown. Empowering Writers and creating literary innovations.