Writing Prompt: What are the Vibes You Love and the Vibes You Do Not Like, that Inspire You as a Writer?
Everything Inspires Us in Life

There are a few things in life that give us negative vibes, while there are a few things that give us positive vibes. Regardless of whether we feel positive or negative, we are sometimes inspired to write stories and poems.
Wilfred Owen was a soldier in WWI, he got inspired to write poetry after meeting a psychiatrist. Different circumstances have inspired other writers to write some great stories and poems.
The great writer, O’ Henry lived in several countries like New York, North Carolina, Texas, and Honduras, which inspired him to write some of his remarkable stories, based on his life. O’Henry is known for his exceptional writing style, with surprise endings. He was one of my father’s favorite writers. I also love his work.
Whether a particular situation in life is good or bad, we as writers are still inspired to create our stories, articles, and poems. Whatever we see, feel, and react to in life inspires us to create stories. These story ideas that we take from situations that resonate with us, can be used to develop some of the wonderful stories we create as writers using our vivid imagination and creativity.
Writing Prompt: What are the Vibes You Love and the Vibes You Do Not Like, that Inspire You as a Writer?
A song to hum or sing. Remember what year heard on the radio, who I was with at the time stirs me to recreate the moment and thoughts rise to relate the song to events happening today. Events that would have been forgotten but the music vibrations stir me to jot down notes to use in a larger work.