I haven't heard of this robot prior to reading this

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I was surprised to hear that such a robot, something like Robocop has been created, which is just amazing.

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Wow Warren this is very interesting and scary at teh same time. I ahve not heard about this robot before. I dont know if I would trust a robot with my family...things can malfunction...

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Hi Gabriella,

Thank you for your feedback. Yes, I could not believe that such a humanoid robot was created. The future is here and yes, robots can be dangerous if they have a virus in thier program. A robot can malfunction and there can be no justice for a computer. This is a great idea for a futuristic story. :)

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No. I wouldn't. The last thing I need is for that thing to attack my brother.

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He can wear the humanoid robot costume like robocop. :)

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