If this is AI induced it needs to return to civilization’s beginning -- the dramatic ritual to pass time imprints on minds to come express the essence of humanity. The building of mountains from molehills; I have seen only debris wasted efforts piled high or buried deep that Rx prescription that is out of sight out of mind.

Artificial Intelligence is algorithms on steroids. The mountain of wasted efforts grows higher. Girders rust red blood 🩸 that continues to flow -- long as a missile that flies over dung heaps and the white flag of truce and peace waves but civilizations have not seized the gravity and continue to pursue death, destruction due to some one wants to be king of the mountain but there is no victory, no x ray vision to see through the dark clouds. AI is no panacea. A placating plaque that builds on teeth that cannot chew the fat of the land of hyperbole . No A I and not even Eye, Aye, but we. Wee, wee, wee the pigs sty wallow gets muddy but if the world waters can settle, resolve issues , then maybe muddy waters will become clear. Wishful thinking that civilization has progressed. Retrogression returns to spin its wheels and time ticks loudly, unfortunately no one hears the clock, nor sees the white flag on the mountain and the hearts heavy lying in unmarked graves with solo songs sung by one left alone .

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Thanks, Richard, for your feedback, this would make a great article. I have used AI to merely illustrate my story and thoughts. The whole concept of civilization is vast. Hopefully, someone somewhere will make an effort to put the ups and downs of the civilized world into a clear and logical perspective. My comic book was just a creative and imaginary creation, not meant to build or break the civilized world. AI can be remarkable, or it can be a load of gobbledegook, it is up to the user and the program used.

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A writer named Toynbee gave civilizations a try. AI can unlock world wars archives meta data collated into something useful not accessible previously. The I Ching tapped into the ebb and flow of cosmic yin yang duality. Now there is a megabyte for AI to cud-chew.

Enjoy clarification.

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