Establishing my Author Identity from the Ground to the Skies

Establishing my Author Identity from the Ground to the Skies

Essential tips on creating your Author Brand

According to Science, your identity is primarily concerned with, who you are as a person? and what it means to be who you are? Our identity is related to our basic values and our choices which determine our relationships and our careers.

One person in his or her lifetime has a variety of identities, from son, daughter, sister, brother, father, mother, or friend. Every role we play has its own responsibilities and therefore expectations, which we internalize as part of our identity.

I wanted to create an author identity from a young age. As a teenager, I started writing poetry and ten years later I self-published a book of poems. I was also interested in short stories and articles, I kept writing and publishing them on my blog. I was not publishing my work for money, I tried but was not successful.

Over the years, I sent a number of manuscripts to publishers, but I did not get any positive responses. Then I heard about the whole independent publishing field and the sky was the limit for me. Over the last fifteen years, I have been independently writing and publishing my work online.

I have realized that in order for me to establish my Author Identity, I need to keep writing and publishing regularly, even if I do not have outstanding success as an Author. Being a writer is in my DNA. My Dad is a writer and he inspired me to become one too. As a writer, I am now unstoppable. The minute I get an idea, I give it life, by writing about topics that catch my interest and publishing it online as soon as I can. I realize the value of ideas and know that once a good idea is lost, it is difficult to find again. I am so happy to be completely absorbed with the art and craft of creating literary work.

Social media is very important when creating your Author's identity as much as knowing who you are and what you and your writing represent.

When I went about setting up my Author Brand these are a few steps I took:

1.       Website: Creating my website, where my brand is advertised for the world to see. The website is a portfolio of my work.

2.       Blog: I have my own blog, which is most important, and which I have for over two decades now.

3.       Social media: I have my social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, which help me to send out my literary news to my followers.

4.       Theme: A positive message is the theme of all my writings, whether it is fiction, poetry, or non-fiction.

5.       Potential: I like to try out different writing styles and create different literary presentations with my work. I attempt to maximize my potential as a writer.

6.       Expression: My work is an expression of my mind and my creativity. I like to push the boundaries of my imagination, through my fiction and in my articles.

7.       Aim, Objective, and Life Purpose: The primary aim and objective of my writing are to make the world a more positive place. My life purpose is to help people to enjoy reading my work and to help me grow and develop as a writer.

8.       Opportunities: I am always on the lookout for more unique ideas to put into my writings. I look forward to trying out new publishing platforms so that my work can reach a wider and diverse audience. I am happy to have re-discovered Medium after about seven years since I first joined.

9.       Self-Knowledge: My writing is a journey in self-discovery, as it gives me an opportunity to discover who I am as a person.

10.   Author Brand: Every piece of writing done by me is a reflection of my identity, my creativity, and my Author Brand. I am enthusiastic about my literary, artistic work and it is my personal brand sealed with my signature of creativity.

When creating your Author Brand always keep in mind three vital elements:

A.      You must believe in yourself, your identity, and your life purpose as an author. You can do your best work by looking into your life and identity. You are your best resource for stories and ideas. One day you will be able to say, that you have established your Author Identity from the ground to the skies!

B.      You should go out to find all the opportunities to help you to live to your true potential as an Author. Every idea, innovation, and development in the field of writing and publishing is an opportunity for you to maximize your potential as an Author.

C.      Your Author Brand keeps developing and transforming over time, the same way you keep maturing as an author in your craft. Writing is a learning experience, have fun, enjoy yourself, become famous, make money creating your literary work because there is no one who best represents your Brand, but YOU!

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The Creative, Literary, and Artistic Universe of Author Warren Brown. Empowering Writers and creating literary innovations.