Jun 12Liked by Warren Brown

I march to the beat of a different drum. I can never have music as background, for 2 reasons. If I'm working or studying, I need absolute silence. Any background noise is too distracting. That's why I shudder at the very thought of writing in a coffee shop. The second reason is that music takes all my attention. If I want to listen to music, I listen to music and do nothing else.

As for kind of music, generally I prefer classical but every once in a while something from another genre will work its way into my heart and mind. I'm fussy about music, as I am about food. Some tastes (in both) have zero appeal but I can't put my finger on why some particular item appeals to the point where I can't get enough of it and want to binge.

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Thank you, Virginia, for your kind feedback, which I appreciate. Yes, everyone does not like music or can work listening to it, as it can be very distracting.

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