I usually wait on ideas - my writing is mostly spur of the moment :)

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Yes, spontaneous writing is powerful as it brings stronger emotions to your work, which is a wonderful method. I do not wait to long to plan my work. I also prefer to write articles, stories and poetry as soon as I get an idea in my head. It is a powerful and effective method. :)

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Good topic, I never wrote much except diary entries before coming to Substack. I think the stress of COVID caused some volcano inside me to erupt and the the cooling rocks that sprang forth are the ideas. I look around me, and see them. COVID was my "awakening" so maybe there were always there, but I was too blind to see.

Is it like this for anyone else? Thank-you.

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I think we all have a special time in our lives when we open our minds to receive ideas, using our imagination and creativity. Thank you for your feedback.

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