Sitemap - 2023 - Supernova

The Jewel of the Year

If your life was a game, what would you call it?

What Game was your life like this year?

Collecting Grains of Sand

Romancing the Year

Merry Christmas

A Humanoid Robot as a Christmas Gift

Stars of Blessings in the Skies

Ghost Writers in the Sky

Bring Your BEST Game Forward for the New Year

When You are “Off Your Game”, how do you get back on?

Christmas Legacies

The Father Christmas Factor

A Year of Evolution and Revolution

What sort of a Year it has been for you?

Writing Prompt: What are your best movies of 2023?

How do you prepare for the New Year?

The Christmas Mind

The Day the Sphinx Came Alive

The Day the Christmas Tree Arrived

Cold Hands, cold Nose and cold Feet

Those who have not come yet….

The Present, the Past and the Future

The Broken Apartment Window

Do you hunt for ideas to write or do you wait for ideas to come to you?

Before the Sun Comes Up, the Moon is the Queen

All Over the World People Are Writing

Kawai the Samurai

Amaterasu the Goddess Particle and the Ultra Powerful Cosmic Ray


The Words that do not exist yet

Celebrating Gratitude on Thanksgiving Day

What if the World was all about Writing and Publishing in the Future?

Astronaut's Tool bag Lost in Space

Publish and Die Protocol- Episode 1

Publish and Die Protocol- Thriller

Courageous Dreamer

The Beating Heart Renewed

The Warrior Writer

The Walk Never Ends

Have a Cup of Success

Tears of the Assassin- Video

Tears of the Assassin

Remnants of Memories

The Outlaw Poet

There is an Explosive Idea, what do you do?

Sleepless Night

Practicing Tolerance

The Halloween Zombie Train- Comic

Is Waking Up a Delightful Experience or Far from It?

What are the benefits of restarting?

Does the “Power of One” actually occur in real life?

Ocean of Ideas and Inspiration for Writers

Walking Up is a Struggle

The Lost Sole

The Moon was a Witness

The Chariots of Life

Life changes so dramatically

An Idea Grows like a Tree

The Ship of Fools Drifted on the Sea

The Task was Adaptability

Flip a Coin

A High-Speed Chase to Your Dreams

A November Ballet

Make it a November to Remember

Writing Prompt: Welcome Cool and Rainy November

November Rhyme

A Letter from a Father to His Son

Is your heart in it?

Cooking Up a Storm

We Fear What We Do Not Know

In a Town called Halloween

The Wandering Soul

What Lies Beyond the Skies?

Travel the High Mountains

Writing Prompt: Jar of Memories

Writing Prompt: Do real images or AI images inspire you to write?

Today I created a few AI Videos

A simple loaf of bread

The Symbiosis of AI- The Next Evolution

When the Barrier Fell

Life's Parade Never Ends

The Story of You

Weaving stories is what Storytellers Do

Living in Unison with the Universe

When Love Ignites a Fire

The Heart that burst into Two Flames

He Saw His Doppelganger Today

Genome Sequencing to Good Health

Reflections all around Us

Inktober- Day 2- Spiders

Inktober- Day 1- Dream

How is it in Heaven?

Breathing Encyclopaedias of Stories

Every Step We take, we are changing the World

In Touch with the Earth

The Spirit of the Sycamore Tree

Under the right Conditions

Warren Brown on Amazon

The Fortune Teller was Wrong

The Weather Man was Wrong

The Banquet that never ends Are you at this feast?

Finder of Lost Things

To be remembered or to be forgotten

The Melvyn Brown Museum

Action movies weekend

Writing Prompt: Inside the Box was…..something interesting

Waiting for Inspiration

Storm and Lightning in her Heart

Do you believe that an exchange of Ideas is useful?

Writing Prompt: There is not Enough Time

Writing Prompt: How do you add value to Every Day?

Who wants to be Marvellous?

A long Life

Will it be a September to Remember?

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson on the Hunt

Hiding in the Darkness

They made him the Joker

Could Lucid Dreams alter the course of Reality?

Monuments of Time

Ocean World

Symphony at the Bird Bath

Ending Groundhog Day

Write Away Today

Yesterday, and the things we forgot

Discover the Artist Within and get Soul Happiness

Every thought is a shiny Gemstone

The Focus of Life

Your Boundless Imagination

We are the Faces of Creation

Jon Gave Himself to the A.I. Matrix

She did not believe in Fairy tales

When it is time to Leave

A Place Beyond the Stars

The Human Dog

The Family Home

The Family Legacy

The Family- United Always or Almost Always

Scrambling to Fall in Love

The delightful Scrambled Egg

At the weekend, we scramble to have Fun

Scrambling to Run Away

The Scramble to Succeed

Life is one big Scramble we may say

The “Grab A Pen” type of person

Finding Zen Power

Photography Prompt: Framing the month of August with Photos

Writing Prompt- Leaving Ideas and Dreams by the Wayside

Happy August

What Kind of Life do you want?

The Words of the Poet

The Runaway Train

The Soul- A Cosmic Force that Lives within Us

The Pianist

Imagine a Life in the Future

A life of Lies

Imagine a Simple Life

Happy Father’s Day

The Present Moment

Those Political Buffoons

Life as a Caricature

As the Light Shines

Find Your passion and find the Key

Ghost in the Machine

They Said It Could not be Done

Warren's books on Books 2 Read

It May Never Happen

The Simple Things

The Untouchable Sky

Time for a Summer Vacation

Storyteller's Toolbox

Meditate, Appreciate and Forge ahead this June

Wet Paint is here, there, Everywhere

Matrices of Life

Photographing June

Finding and Living Zen in June

Celebrating the month of June

Launch Codes for a Writer- I.C.S.C.

Introducing Purrfect Whiskers

Graphic Novel: Wild Ride

Is it ethical to use AI in Creative Writing?

Graphic Novel: Crowning of King Kang

The Mindset for Living in a World with Artificial Intelligence

Island of Creativity and Inspiration for Writers

The Global Citizen

Join me on Notes

Robocop to Robot Dog

Writing Prompt: What are your philosophies of Life?

Life Can Be Hard

Easter Sunday

Celebrate World Storytelling Day- 20 March 2022

Gateways to New Worlds

Trapped in a Graffiti

The Wild March Hare

A Heart filled with Spring

A March of Expectations

The Power of Television

The Mind is a Prison

Trying to understand Generations

How to make tech last longer?

A Meter for Receiving Rewards in Life

The Importance of a Meter for Enjoying Life

The Importance of Metering a Writer’s Life

To Have and to Hold

Click Send and Enjoy the Weekend

Ship on the Water

On a Mastodon Ride

Lisa Marie Presley R.I.P.

Which Photography Editing Software is Best and Why?

I write freely or do I write hesitantly as a writer, and why?

Breathing Life into Fiction

Press Blue Now

Writing Prompt: Press Red Now

Writing Prompt: Press Green Now

Are you Searching for Paradise?